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James Franco - Attorney at Law

Focus Areas

Welcome to The Law Offices of
James Franco

Experience Compassion

International Lawyer James Franco Appeals, Employment Law, Personal Injury, Professional Negligence & Insurance Cases

Integrity Compassion

International Lawyer James Franco Appeals, Employment Law, Personal Injury, Professional Negligence & Insurance Cases

Integrity Compassion

International Lawyer James Franco Appeals, Employment Law, Personal Injury, Professional Negligence & Insurance Cases

Experience Compassion

International Lawyer James Franco Appeals, Employment Law, Personal Injury, Professional Negligence & Insurance Cases

Case Studies
Employment Law
International Lawyer James Franco Appeals, Employment Law, Personal Injury, Professional Negligence & Insurance Cases
Case Studies
Employment Injury
International Lawyer James Franco Appeals, Employment Law, Personal Injury, Professional Negligence & Insurance Cases
Case Studies
Employment Cases
International Lawyer James Franco Appeals, Employment Law, Personal Injury, Professional Negligence & Insurance Cases

Recent News from the Industry

Over the years, I have had the privilege of representing many wonderful clients and meeting many people, some of whom have written to express their gratitude. A Sample of these are listed below.

Over 15 Years of Trial

Over the years, I have had the privilege of representing many wonderful clients and meeting many people, some of whom have written to express their gratitude. A Sample of these are listed below.

Free Consultation & Make Appointment

Our attorneys often advise and work directly with the executive offices and their general counsel’s offices handling